Dr. Simon Ourian has 2.4 million highly engaged followers. His feed features patient transformations, videos of live treatments and educational information. We love that is post descriptions give followers a feel for what they can expect for each procedure, include national average costs, information about recovery and downtime and how to contact his practice.

Dr. Jason Diamond has over 100,000 followers. He posts personal updates, educational videos, and we especially love the animations that showcase the results of his procedures accompanied with the before and after side by side.

Dr. Kay Durairaj has over 111,000 followers on Instagram. She posts live treatments where she explains the patient goals both during the video and in the post copy. Her page makes it feel like anybody achieve that supermodel look.

Dr. Richard Reish has over 2,800 followers and great engagement. His feed is packed with his patient transformations. We love that Dr. Reish’s posts are aesthetically appealing photos, with a consistent color theme. His community of followers certainly sings his praises.

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