Answers to All of Your AI Content Questions

How Does AI Work?

AI works in so many different ways that you probably interact with AI on a daily basis even if you don’t realize it! Things like spam detection tools, social media algorithms, and popular online games all rely on AI. We are going to focus on AI content, which also shows up in more places than you may think. AI tools, such as ChatGPT, Rytr, and others work by searching the internet for relevant information in order to create requested content. There is an art to generating AI content, as the quality of results depends partly on how well the query or prompt is written.

Are AI Detectors Accurate?

While quality varies among the different tools, AI detectors are notoriously unreliable. In fact, AI detectors report that both the Bible and the U.S. The Constitution were written by AI.1

There are many problems with AI detectors, including the fact that they scan the same available information that AI does to get results. Many educational institutions, such as MIT and The University of Kansas, have cautioned against relying on AI detectors because they are so often incorrect in their assessments.2 We have conducted our own experiments at SILVR, running some of our 100% original content through AI detectors, as well as AI generated copy—the results were wildly varied with both false negatives and false positives.

Does SILVR Use AI?

Like any tool we use at SILVR, we integrate AI thoughtfully and carefully into our work. Our medical writers sometimes use AI for idea generation. For example, if we want to boost a client’s online visibility for a certain procedure, we may ask AI for a list of blog topic suggestions to assist in our brainstorming.

When we do use AI at SILVR, we:

  • Use AI as a jumping-off point, an idea generation tool, or to inform our SEO
  • Prioritize custom-tailored, personalized content
  • Incorporate AI suggestions in conjunction with our established SEO practices
  • Always let the needs and goals of clients guide our content choices

Any time we use AI generated copy, we spend much time editing, refining, and adding significantly to it in order to produce content that captures the unique tone and style of each client.

Will AI Content Negatively Affect SEO?

Like many other tools, AI can negatively affect your SEO if used irresponsibly or without the expertise to use it properly. However, when used as part of a thoughtfully crafted marketing strategy, AI can increase efficiency and actually improve on-page SEO.

Can AI Be Used Effectively in the Healthcare Marketing Space?

Yes, we believe that it can and Forbes Magazine agrees. At SILVR, we understand the unique needs of medical practices. We’ve helped our clients expand their digital reach, grow their businesses, and increase revenue while tackling the challenges facing medical practices. We take a hands-on approach and we’d be happy to discuss how AI could fit into your marketing strategy.

How Can I Maintain the Integrity of My Website in the Age of AI?

  • Work with high-quality marketing teams: At SILVR, we employ in-house writers who have medical writing certifications and years of writing experience. Their skill, passion, and attention to detail ensures that the content we provide is top notch.
  • Let your personality shine through: Communicate with your marketing team about what makes your practice, your products, or your customers unique. Good writers will incorporate that in your content to make it more personalized.
  • Update frequently: Keeping content fresh and up-to-date can help your search rankings and ensure your potential customers are getting the best information possible.

Curious About AI on Your Medical Website?

Graphic showing a computer screen and an AI tool

Do you have questions about AI? Or other ways to get the most out of your marketing strategy? We’d be happy to chat. Contact us to learn more.

1 Edwards, Benj. Why AI writing detectors don’t work. ARStechnica. Available: Accessed August 1, 2024.
2 Edwards, Benj. Why AI writing detectors don’t work. ARStechnica. Available: Accessed August 1, 2024.

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